Thank you Carrie Jean over at Military Wife Life for nominating my blog for the Liebster Award! This is so exciting! I started this blog as a way for me to just get my emotions out, had no idea that people were actually reading :)!
With this award, I get to answer a few questions that the nominating blog wanted to know!
Fun right?
Here are those questions....
1.What is your favorite quote?
Hmm, I am a teacher, so it is education related. "The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." -William A. Ward
2. What was the last song you listened to?
Brantley Gilbert- Fall into me :) LOVE that song!
3. What was your FIRST blog post about?
How much I love my guy. Seriously, he is amazing and I feel beyond lucky to have him in my life.
4. What is your favorite blog post that's on your site?
That is a tough one. I love all the posts because they are honest and real. When I go back and read them, it makes me remember the feelings I had at the time. Makes me fall in love with him even more. BUT if I had to choose, probably the first one about that IT feeling.
5. How did you come up with your blog's name?
Because I am patiently waiting for his return and I figured I would keep a diary of the entire process.
6. What inspires you?
People- other people inspire me, to either not be like them, or to have some of their amazing qualities, or to see things in a different perspective.
Feelings- My feelings inspire me to write. Most of the times I dont want to portray to people that I have all these feelings because I dont want to a)get on their nerves with my mushiness or b)show that I am so deeply in love with him because I dont want to get hurt.
Prayer- sometimes I just pray. When my feelings become overwhelming and I dont know what to do with them, I just pray. When I pray, it inspires me to do or say things.
My students- seeing and hearing about some of the things they have to go through on a daily basis, inspires me to be a better teacher. It makes me care a little more and want to give them the world at their fingertips so they can get out of that lifestyle and do something with thier future.
7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
By then I will have finished my Masters Degree, hopefully be married and on my way to starting a family.
8. Describe yourself in three words.
I would say sassy, passionate, teacher ( I asked Anthony he said "beautiful, short, Italian" lol )
9. What is your hometown, and what was it like?
New Castle, Delaware- hmm.. I am Italian, and my entire family is from this area, so we are all very close. It is a normal city with
10. What is your dream job?
I am a teacher and it is the only thing I have ever been 100% sure of. It is my passion and I am so lucky to be in it.
11. How long have you been blogging?
Since 2009. None of my blogs have really stuck because the things I was writing about, I couldnt be completely open and honest. I tried to blog about teaching, but it can be so politcal, so I try not to talk about it on the internet.
List 11 Random Facts About Yourself
1. I LOVE to cook
2. I sing in the car, it's horrible.
3. I still love NSync
4. I am a total germophobe
5. I am deathly afraid of heights
6. I love to travel
7. I get really quiet when I am upset (I am a pretty loud person)
8. I have 0 self control for chocolate
9. My closet is color coordinated in each season
10. I want another degree- Graphic Arts or Media Design
11. My brother and I could be twins in looks and personality,
even though he is 4 years younger.
My Nominees!
1. Somewhere over the camo
2. I'll Follow you anywhere
3. Love Overseas
4. By His Boots
5. Look Beyond the Imperfections
6. Lunges and Lace
7. Life as Griki
8. Love Never Fails
9. Battling the Homefront
10. Raising our Little Devil Pups
11. We Are For Each Other

2. I'll Follow you anywhere
3. Love Overseas
4. By His Boots
5. Look Beyond the Imperfections
6. Lunges and Lace
7. Life as Griki
8. Love Never Fails
9. Battling the Homefront
10. Raising our Little Devil Pups
11. We Are For Each Other
Ok Nominees here's what you have to do (if you decide to join in on the fun):
Here are the rules
1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award Presenter on your blog and link back to their blog
2. Answer the 11 questions from the nominator, list 11 random facts about yourself and create 11 questions for your nominees.
3. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 11 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog to let them know they've been chosen.
4. Copy and Paste the blog award on your blog.
My questions for the nominees:
1. How long have you been blogging?
2. Do you live in a Milso community?
3. How does your family feel about your being a Milso?
4. Any advice on deployments or being a Milso in general?
5. What inspires your blog?
6. What is the best thing about being a Milso?
7. What is the worst thing about being a Milso?
8. What is your favorite memory with your SO?
9. What is your idea of a perfect date?
10. What is your favorite quote?
11. What is your favorite meal?
Grab your award for your blog too!!My questions for the nominees:
1. How long have you been blogging?
2. Do you live in a Milso community?
3. How does your family feel about your being a Milso?
4. Any advice on deployments or being a Milso in general?
5. What inspires your blog?
6. What is the best thing about being a Milso?
7. What is the worst thing about being a Milso?
8. What is your favorite memory with your SO?
9. What is your idea of a perfect date?
10. What is your favorite quote?
11. What is your favorite meal?

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